Premix Cocoa with Dates (RM20.00)

 Dates with iron very suitable for people who suffer from anemia (lack of red blood cells)

  • Content salasilat (a substance that resembles aspirin) in the palm can act like a drug because it can prevent blood clots and also acts as an anti- inflammation and lower blood pressure 
  • Rich in nutrients protein, fiber, glucose, vitamins A & C, sodium and potassium 
  • Dates help the process of growth, stimulate a child's mind and brain development in infants - Cocoa when mix with milk and sugar will be the drink that – the impact of Antioxidants derived from content such as flavanoids polyphenois - Cocoa enhance the ability to overcome stress - cocoa slow the aging process

Coffee Premix Cocoa and Red Mushroom Nutrition (RM18)

  • Lowering cholesterol and fat in the blood 
  • red blood cell membrane stabilizing 
  • Strengthen the function of self-lasting system 
  • Slow the aging process and maintain an active body 
  • Prevent organ abnormalities - organ 
  • Eliminate pain resulting from cancer 
  • Lowers blood sugar , restore pancreatic function 
  • Normalize and prevent tissue degeneration