

Facial Cleanser - For Normal Skin

RM 18.00

Do you want to transform the lifeless face of the radiant and fresh faces?

Awards Facial Cleanser unique formula that combines traditional herbs and Islamic treatment method helps eliminate impurities and dead cells so that your skin back cheerful and energetic.

Suitable for normal skin.

Nourishing Lotion Content Million Award
• Air stripping ion 
• Glyserin 
• Polisorbat 20 
• Extract piper 
• Betel nut extract 
• henna extract 
• Avocado Extract 
• Vitamin E

The verses of the Quran recited by 30 constituents in perfect condition with care and intent of manners readers. Then the verses of the Quran is read over and over again according to certain calculations.

Method of use:

Pour Facial Cleanser Award in approximately one tablespoon. Apply on face and gently stroked the face while reading al-Fatihah. Leave for 2-3 minutes and then rinse your face while praying on 3 times. Make sure not stepped Anugerah Facial Cleanser.

Facial Cleanser - For Troubled Skin


Do you want to transform the lifeless face of the radiant and fresh faces?

Awards Facial Cleanser unique formula that combines traditional herbs and Islamic treatment method helps eliminate impurities and dead cells so that your skin back cheerful and energetic.

Ideal for problem skin.

Nourishing Lotion Content Million
• Air stripping ion
• Glyserin 
• Polisorbat 20 
• Extract betel 
• henna extract 
• avocado extract 
• Vitamin E

The verses of the Quran recited by 30 constituents in perfect condition with care and intent of manners readers. Then the verses of the Quran is read over and over again according to certain calculations.

Method of use:

Pour Facial Cleanser Award in approximately one tablespoon.
 Apply on face and gently stroked the face while reading al-Fatihah. Leave for 2-3 minutes and then rinse your face while praying on 3 times. Make sure not stepped Facial Cleanser.


Natural Mineral Water Award

RM 4.50 (bottle)

Anugerah water combines with water as a natural cure shifaa revelations' and the prayers of the Holy Qur'an, Hadith and the practice of the Prophet who venerated Salafussoleh. Unique combination to help get rid of your physical and spiritual pain. God willing.

You will get benefits like:

- External and internal diseases you to recover

- Body more energized and enthusiastic

- Protected from harassment of black magic and evil spirits

- Heart becomes soft and easy to receive advice

- Back home harmonious and more

Method of use
Read Bismillah and prayers recited 3 times before drink. Can be applied to the face and head. Make sure the Anugerah water is not stepped.

Sea Cucumber

RM 48.00 (Peninsular)
RM 53.00 (Sabah / Sarawak)

- Do you want to heal internal and external wounds in quick time?

- Do you want to relieve muscle and joint pain due to insect bites and can?

- Do you want to look young and energetic?

- Does your body need antibodies to fight disease in the body?

- Do you want the best food for your children?

If you want all of the above, you need to get nutritious food that has been clinically proven and tested by local and international scientists

Sea Cucumber King Award is a health drink that combines cucumber extract with reading verses of the Quran and the prayers of choice. God willing, it is effective to help improve your health.

Kismis Emas Anugerah

RM 18.00 (Peninsular) 
RM 23.00 (Sabah / Sarawak)

- Do you want to help boost memory and rote learning of your child?

- Do you want to ease your child for exams with calm and ready?

- Do you want to see your child succeed in this world and in the hereafter?

If you want all of the above, you need to give your child a nutritious food that is in line with the tradition of the Prophet.

Give your child the Golden Raisin award contains various nutrients and minerals needed by your child.

Golden raisins Awards best option is a combination of raisins that have been prayed with 30 constituents of the Quran and prayers heart.
Kismis Emas Anugerah content:
Vitamin B1


Anugerah Musk Oil - Child Intelligence

RM 48.00 (Peninsular) 
RM 53.00 (Sabah / Sarawak)

- Does your child's behavior does not please you?

- Do you worry about the performance is not satisfactory lessons your children?

- Do all your advice and admonitions not make a difference in your child?

If all the above problems worrying you, you should seek help from Allah Ta'ala.

When you apply Musk Oil Award - For the Son of intelligence in your child, God willing, their mind will readily accept the good knowledge and suggestions from you .

Method of use:

Read Al-Fatiha and prayers 3 times while facing Kiblat. Rub Musk Oil Awards at the crown of your child and head while reciting diusap intention to Allah Have your child the smell of musk profusely while praying on 3 times.

Difficult for the child to work with you, add drops of oil to your bath award them.

Anugerah Musk Oil  - Raising Seri & Sweetening

RM 48.00 (Peninsular) 
RM 53.00 (Sabah / Sarawak)

- Would you like to be loved yourself and loved by someone else?

- Do you want your business to selling and liked by your customers?

- Are you extremely worried because your partner never appeared again?

If you said that it did on the problems, then you need to restore your aura and radiance.

That's why this award Musk Oil is specially made ​​to raise and restore the aura of radiance in you, likable people and expedited matchmaking. 

Method of use:
Read Al-Fatiha while facing little kiblat.Sapukan Award Musk Oil palm, rub your intentions and then recited Allah Apply to start from the feet to the head.

Anugerah Musk Oil - Avoiding Practice of Magic

RM 48.00 (Peninsular) 
RM 53.00 (Sabah / Sarawak)

- Did you want to protect yourself from black magic attack and malicious human act?

If you want to solve the above problems, you should seek refuge from Allah from these disorders.

That's why Musk Oil Award - To Avoid Practice Witchcraft produced to protect yourself from becoming a victim of this dark knowledge. God willing.

Method of use:
Read Al-Fatiha, Surah 3 Qul and peace 3 times while facing kiblat. Rub Musk Oil Awards at the neck, the two eye brows, ears and hands while reciting folder intention to Allah SWT to be kept away from the distractions of the jinn, demons and even human an evil heart. Apply also on the part of the body feels pain due to interference.
For small children often cry at night, apply on the crown, both ear lobes and both ankles.
To avoid disruption around the home, office and store, pour a few drops of Musk Oil Awards in a bottle or spray bottle to apply while reading al-Fatihah. Make it a whirl on the oil clockwise while reading Chapter 3 Qul and bless 3 times. Then spray around the disturbed area.

Anugerah Musk Oil

RM 48.00 (Peninsular) 
RM 53.00 (Sabah / Sarawak)

- Are you not happy with your household?

- Are you not getting the proper attention from your partner?

- Are you able to feel the presence of the entity that often interfere with your family?

If you said yes to the above problem, you may be a victim of black magic or spirits disorders.

Musk Oil Award - For Household Harmony specifically designed to restore the harmony of your household relationships. You'll be back bright and protected by God

Method of use:
Read Bismillah and peace 3 times while facing the Kiblah. Apply a little oil on the award Kasturi both eye brows, ear lobes and chest while reciting your intentions to Allah.